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Showing posts from September, 2023

Week 38 results
1cm decrease of waistline

Still not well enough to fall back into normal routines like taking daily walks and occasionally going to the gym, but at least there is light at the tunnel. Next week I will start taking walks again, increase calorie intake and see how it goes. The struggle this week has been not eating too many cookies, I got a bag of apples so I made apple pie and other soft cookies ๐Ÿ˜‹ Check updated statistics

Week 37 results
1cm decrease of waistline

 This week continued sore throat and intense coughing.   I didn't dare to do any exercises at all, but I went outside on Friday to sit on a bench and watch the sunset. I still have a cold, but hopefully I can get some walks in later this coming week. ๐Ÿ˜ท   However, I kept my calorie intake low and continued to eat many different soups. Check updated statistics

Week 36 finished
1cm decrease of waistline

This week was a little bit of a stuggle, I got a really sore throat with intense coughing and could almost not talk at all. I'm still sick but hopefully it will get better soon ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I couldn't take any walks for the last four days of the week and because of this I tried to reduce my calorie intake, but it's not easy when you're stuck at home trying to get well. My muffins became a savior, sometimes I ate them twice a day  ๐Ÿ˜‹   Also I prepared a fish and leek soup that became extreamly low on calories and tasted really good.  Check updated statistics

Dishes that I ate in the first week

Diet Food - Plantparadox dishes Cabbage Pudding with Lingonberries Protein: 28 Kcal: 281 Saith with Durra and Cabbage Protein: 35 Kcal: 384

Week 35 finished
1cm decrease of waistline

I consumed more calories than the previous week, continued with 40 minute walks and made a couple of visits to the gym. I continued with the meal plan of having a smoothie for breakfast and continuing with meals every three hours. Check updated statistics

Mealplan for the first week

W DAY FOOD P KCAL 34 mo protein drink 21 99 34 mo 3 egg 23 260 34 mo saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 mo saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 mo saithe/shirataki/cabbage 27,7 175       141,1 1302 34 tu protein drink 21 99 34 tu tuna/shirataki 24 120 34 tu tuna/shirataki 24 120 34 tu broccoli 125g 4 44 34 tu saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 tu saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 tu goatmilk 2dl 7 100       149,4 1251 34 we protein drink 21 99 34 we saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 we pollock/sorghum/cabbage 30,7 364 34 we pollock/sorghum/cabbage 30,7 364 34 we pollok/shirat...

First week finished
2cm decrease of waistline

How did i do it? I took one 40 minute walk at a good pace every day and had a mealplan where I ate arround 1500 calories a day. More detail about the mealplan and how & what I ate is coming later. Check updated statistics