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34 98 85.5   147 1505 328
35 96 83.9 2 148 1864 440
36 95 83.4 1 138 1473 178
37 94 81.8 1 123 1475 0
38 93 81.5 1 128 1605 0
39 92 80.9 1 140 1672 143
40 91 80.3 1 132 1565 179
41 90 79.5 1 145 1806 207
42 89 79.1 1 153 1739 250
43 88.5 78.8 0.5 152 1645 280
44 87.5 77.4 1 148 2018 293
45 87 77.8 0.5 149 1954 307
46 86 77.4 1 157 2008 280
47 85 76.8 1

Decrease - is the decrease of waistline since the previous week
Protein - is the protein intake per day
Kcal - is the calorie intake per day
Cardio - is the calories burnt per day doing excercises

The measurements are taken on Mondays, so the effort made during one week is shown the following week


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