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First week finished
2cm decrease of waistline

How did i do it?
I took one 40 minute walk at a good pace every day and had a mealplan where I ate arround 1500 calories a day.

A beautiful walking path with grass and trees

More detail about the mealplan and how & what I ate is coming later.

Check updated statistics


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back on track

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Mealplan for the first week

W DAY FOOD P KCAL 34 mo protein drink 21 99 34 mo 3 egg 23 260 34 mo saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 mo saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 mo saithe/shirataki/cabbage 27,7 175       141,1 1302 34 tu protein drink 21 99 34 tu tuna/shirataki 24 120 34 tu tuna/shirataki 24 120 34 tu broccoli 125g 4 44 34 tu saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 tu saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 tu goatmilk 2dl 7 100       149,4 1251 34 we protein drink 21 99 34 we saithe/sorghum/cabbage 34,7 384 34 we pollock/sorghum/cabbage 30,7 364 34 we pollock/sorghum/cabbage 30,7 364 34 we pollok/shirat...