This blog is for anyone who wants their waistline to shrink a few inches!
Here you can find out how a middleage guy tackles the challenge of going from a 38 to a 32 pants size.You can read about what I eat and what actions I perform to reach my goal, you can also find pictures, recipies and some lessons learned along the way.
After each week there will be updated statistics on the progress so far.
I have the autoimune disease Vitiligo and therefor I eat according to the Plantparadox diet, this is a variant of AIP that focuses on limiting lectines in food. I recommend anyone that has Vitiligo or some other autoimune disease to try this diet for at least a month to see if anything changes to the better. For others that are reading this you can use the reciepes in this blog or you can just exchange them for other dishes.
Here you can find out how a middleage guy tackles the challenge of going from a 38 to a 32 pants size.You can read about what I eat and what actions I perform to reach my goal, you can also find pictures, recipies and some lessons learned along the way.
After each week there will be updated statistics on the progress so far.
I have the autoimune disease Vitiligo and therefor I eat according to the Plantparadox diet, this is a variant of AIP that focuses on limiting lectines in food. I recommend anyone that has Vitiligo or some other autoimune disease to try this diet for at least a month to see if anything changes to the better. For others that are reading this you can use the reciepes in this blog or you can just exchange them for other dishes.
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