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Fat Loss Made Easy

Drink enough water

– stay hydrated

One piece of advice is to take half a liter of water with each meal. If you, like me, eat five times a day, then you will get enough water without even thinking about it. 

Don’t get hungry

By spreading out your meals over the day then it will be less l chance that you will be getting hungry. I for example eat five times a day, a smoothie for breakfast and four meals spread out with around three hours between. This is an excellent method to keep blodsugar on a steady level and minimize the risk of falling for temptations when getting hungry.

Maybe some of you will think that two lunches at work it will be hard to manage, but if you prepared lunchboxes ahead then it will not be a big hassle.  Heating up a dish in microwave oven and eat it will not really take more than ten minutes and having two ten minutes breaks a day should work

If you get hungry - drink water. Don't be tempted to grab a banana or power/chocolate cookie on the way home from work because you skipped a meal at work. Instead, always bring a bottle of water with you so that you fight off cravings until you get home and can eat some more healthy food.

Another tip is to have a bag of nuts in the cupboard that you can take from if you feel some cravings in the evenings, I always have a bag of walnuts and if I feel tempted I take around four halves.


It's not really a difficult equation how to lose fat or get a smaller waist. It's just (aside from your body's normal calorie consumption) to make sure your body burns more calories than you put into it. If you add a small amount of movement such as walking or similar, you will help your body burn calories. You don't need to move a lot, the most important thing is that you don't get any injuries or get tired of it.


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